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The  Music  Of  Carl  Vasta

Carl's Picture 2004 - Photo by William Vasta

October 3, 2024:

Our dad, and for some of us, our grandad, Carl Vasta, has went to Our Father . . . He was a loving and caring father and grandfather, one that would have given anything for any one of us. He will be sorely missed and never forgotten! Please celebrate his life in what he has selflessly shared on this website. Dad, we all love you and pray that His mercy rest upon your soul for the day of judgement, and that His many blessings rest upon your soul from now 'til then. Amen.

Always yours,

Steve, Irina, and Victoria,
Tom and Julie,
Joe, Tammy, James, and Matthew,
Bill and Amy


My New "IT'S CHRISTMAS" MP4 Video,
The individual Christmas MP3s and Videos
Midi Files, PDF song sheets (just for original Christmas songs) Printer Friendly Lyric Sheets

Also songs from my Original Websong Page

Carl At The Keyboard - Photo by William Vasta

Welcome to the official site for The Music Of Carl Vasta.

I have entertained audiences throughout Southern California for over fifty five years playing and singing their favorite songs.

To find out more about me and how I got started in my early years with my bands, and the many places I've performed, click on:


To contact me,  please email me at:


Introducing My
"It's Christmas"  CD

Christmas CD Front

There are 10 songs on this CD:  Seven of them were written by me and three more are my arrangements of traditional Christmas Songs.

You can download them FREE in MP3/-CD or MP4 Video with lyric, and you can also print the FREE PDF sheet music and friendly printer lyric sheets and listen to or download the MIDI or the MP3 of the MIDI.   "ENJOY!"

A  Review  Of  "It's  Christmas"
by  Richard  Banks

[ There were 9 songs on this 2004 version of "It's Christmas",  "Mall Mart At Three In The Morning" was added in 2005 ]

Listened to on its own terms, Carl Vasta's It's Christmas is one of the most attractive and intriguing CDs you will hear this year.

On one level an old-fashioned children's record, Vasta's easy listening stylings can also be heard as romantic pop crooning.

As a recording for children, it is Disneyesque.

Vasta's arrangements are eerily similar to the Disney film scores of the 1950s and '60s, full of earnest sentiment and nostalgia. Vasta's voice effects that soft vibrato we all remember from Pinnocchio's "When You Wish Upon a Star".

As an authentic reference to easy listening's heyday, "It's Christmas" is an important contemporary recording.

But better than that "It's Christmas" is a lot of fun.   The CD covers a few Christmas standards   (and novel arrangements of these,  to be sure), but the greater part of "It's Christmas" is Vasta's opus.  Six songs are new!

These include  Christmas Is for Children,   If the Little Baby Jesus Hadn't Been Born,  It's Christmas,  The Christmas Child,  Invitation,  and The Lord's Prayer.

Of the six, my favorite is Christmas Is for Children, which begins the CD. Sung with moody poignancy using, apparently, an old analog microphone,   the song achieves the beautiful, cavernous sound of mid-20th century recording,   something I just haven't heard lately.

But my other favorite is the title track,  sung almost as a bubblegum pop song (or an homage to one).  But homages these are not.   Vasta is no poser and no imposter.  His innate understanding of his genre and his inimitable style give his recordings an authentic quality that can't be duplicated.  The tune is nicely constructed, interestingly arranged, lyrically strong, and features a twisting, turning melody with hooks galore.

If you have a fondness for easy listening crooners, Carl Vasta's "It's Christmas" is for you.

Richard Banks


Play   Or   Download

The  "It's  Christmas"  CD

And  /  Or

The  "It's  Christmas"  Video

*** FREE ***


Carl's Original Music (drawing by Bob Evans)

Original  Music  Selections  From
"The  Carl  Vasta  Websongs"

On this page are other songs I wrote.

From "Patriotic" songs about America and about the people who defend our freedom with their lives to "Love" songs.

There are new Inspirational and Gospel Songs that sing of relationships with God the Father, and His Son Jesus.

There are Country songs for a Mama and a Papa and of course there is a heartache song.

If you like semi-classic, there is a beautiful French-style accordion and Spanish guitar playing "Stephen's Song" and even a song that roams through 12 different keys changes for my CAT!


by Carl Vasta

( Click On One Below )

Storyline Of The Bible

( Click Here or On The Picture Above )

Have  you  ever  wondered  what  the  bible  is  all about,  but  dreaded  trying  to  read  it  or  understand  it?

If  you  listen  to  all  19  pages  in  this  podcast  series,  you  will  gain  a  good  understanding  of  God's  message  to  his  creation!



( Click Here or On The Picture Above )

This page contains topics that Jesus spoke about, everything from:

        The Worry Of Daily Life,
        How To Give & How To Pray,
        The Meaning Of Easter /
        (3 Examples From Jesus),
        The Last Supper,
        The Meaning Of The Cross,
        The Bread Of Life,
        Signs Of Christ's Return To Earth

and other topics. All topics have scripture references where you can find it in any standard bible.

Here Is A Special
featuring narration by Kathy Bird
& music by Carl Vasta

Check out this link:
"Why We Should Celebrate Christmas"
( Paraphrased Quotes From Jesus )



( Click Here or On The Picture Above )

Welcome to the Bible Seeds Podcasts by Carl Vasta.  These are the latest of 148 podcasts which don't include the early 42 podcasts from the 'Storyline Of The Bible',  'The Paraphrased Quotes and Stories from Jesus' and The Christmas Story.

All the podcasts exist on plus the PDFs of the broadcast; Also on and many other podcast stations. My podcast is titled "Understanding God's Word" - Carl Vasta; at,

You can also hear them at,,,,,, podcast, and and many others. My song videos and podcasts can also be found on YouTube.

The Storyline Of The Bible section has a PDF Book with an index of the topics. The Stories and Quotes From Jesus Section also has a PDF Book with those topics.

In this section, the latest podcast is at the top of the list and at the bottom are a few poems and a family prayer. To select a topic, click on a title and it will take you to that podcast.

To come back up to the index, click on 'top of the page'. Each section has the PDF for that topic. Enjoy!


The Hug

In  Loving  Memory
A  Tribute  To  My  Brother
Donald  Vasta


William on the cover of Titan

A Special Thank You

to my son William for his contribution to my website in photo and technical help.  God has blessed me with four sons:  Stephen,  Thomas,  Joseph, and William.  Although their mother died early in their lives, I'm sure she is proud of all of them,  just as I am.

William Vasta
has photographed 5 U.S.
Presidents,  several  dozen
Prime  Ministers,  and  count-
less   celebrities.   His   gallery
showcases  his  ability  to  make
compelling images in a variety
of  situations,  and  under

William is a
contract photographer
based in Southern California
and spends  much of  his time
covering  editorial assignments,
as well as,  photographing trade
shows,  city events,  and private

I invite you to take a look at William's
website.  Just click on:

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The Music Of Carl Vasta
Copyright 2004 - 2024, All rights reserved
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